
新聞資訊| ?2020-10-23 00:31:07



1. 利用(yòng)激光(guāng)測距的(de)原理(lǐ)是什(shén)麽?
測距原理(lǐ)基本可(kě)以歸結爲測量光(guāng)往返目标所需要時(shí)間,然後通(tōng)過光(guāng)速c =299792458m/s 和(hé)大(dà)氣折射系數n 計算(suàn)出距離D。由于直接測量時(shí)間比較困難,通(tōng)常是測定連續波的(de)相位,稱爲測相式測距儀。

A customer asked: coal mine need to purchase a number of explosion-proof laser rangefinder, whether there is a handheld, portable laser rangefinder. So what's the use of portable laser rangefinder? I believe many people don't know. I'll give you a stroke.
As the name implies, the laser rangefinder is a distance measuring instrument. The handheld explosion-proof laser rangefinder is used in underground coal mines to accurately and rapidly measure the distance and height of roadway, working face and mining face, and can calculate the area and volume. It can also be used in the field of safety supervision and law enforcement to accurately and quickly measure the law enforcement scene, and calculate the area and volume. It can be widely used in industrial, commercial decoration, engineering construction and other fields. It can be used for floor tile laying, wall coating area estimation, site construction distance / area / volume measurement, etc. Compared with the telescope laser rangefinder, it has the advantages of high precision (the precision of telescope laser rangefinder is 1 meter) and the display screen is large.
From the basic principle of ranging, it can be divided into three categories: laser rangefinder, ultrasonic rangefinder and infrared rangefinder. Laser ranging ceremony is currently widely used in rangefinder, which uses laser to accurately measure the distance of the target. The distance from the receiving laser beam to the target is measured by the time from the receiving laser beam to the target.
Common problems of handheld laser rangefinder:
1. What is the principle of laser ranging?
The principle of ranging can be summed up as measuring the time required for light to and from the target, and then the distance D can be calculated by the light speed c = 299792458m / s and atmospheric refraction coefficient n. Because it is difficult to measure time directly, it is usually to measure the phase of continuous wave.
2. Must the plane of the measured object be perpendicular to the light?
In general, precise ranging requires the cooperation of total reflection prism, while the rangefinder used for house measurement directly uses smooth wall reflection measurement, mainly because the distance is relatively close, and the signal intensity reflected by light is large enough. With this we can know, to vertical, otherwise the return signal is too weak will not be able to get the accurate distance.
3. If the plane of the measured object is diffuse reflection, is it OK?
Generally, it is also possible to use thin plastic plate as reflection surface to solve the serious problem of diffuse reflection.