
新聞資訊| ?2020-12-21 01:14:29
然後具有幾種觸控模式,能在雨(yǔ)中、戴著(zhe)手套進行操作,非常适合在現場(chǎng)作記錄和(hé)撷取數據。此外,Exipab20具備同型競品中的(de)電池續航力,單次充電可(kě)維持 8 小時(shí)以上,并随附充電器,是可(kě)靠的(de)長(cháng)時(shí)間作業工具。

Explosion proof tablet computer
The explosion-proof tablet computer also has high-quality photography function. The front camera is 500W, and the rear camera is 13 million, which can take clear images and video. It also includes IEEE 802.11 a / B / g / N Wi Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and OTG functions. It supports external mouse and keyboard.
Explosion proof tablet computer
As the industrial explosion-proof tablet computer is used in the industrial environment, the explosion-proof mark is ex IB Ⅱ C T4 GB, which is customized according to the environment and needs, and the protection grade is IP67, so it generally has the protection capabilities such as dust-proof, waterproof, explosion-proof, etc.